Monday, March 31, 2014

Life lately.. ready to get back to normal.

Hey everyone!!! Life has been so busy these last couple of weeks. I've mentioned on numerous times that I I have been feeling very antsy about what career path to take in the last year. I have been  going back and forth between deciding to go back to school for my masters, or doing something else (still don't know what something else is.. hehe). And if I do want to go back to school, should I stay close to home or should I take a risk and explore somewhere different? 

In December I realized that maybe I should go back to school. So I signed up to take the GRE, a standardized test required for admissions to graduate school. Some people study months in advance before signing up for the test. When February came I was freaking out because I thought the practice tests were difficult and I was just overwhelmed. 

I was so overwhelmed that two weeks ago I finally had a mental breakdown. The practice test from the multiple books I checked out from the library where hard, there were words I had no idea what they meant, and math rules and formulas I had long forgotten. I was running out of time. 

But my mom came to the rescue, like she always does. She calmed me down. She has always told me that stressing about something is only going to make it that much harder to complete it. She put things in perspective. I'm over here freaking out about some test, while my grandma has become weaker she's fallen multiple times, or the mother of a good friend of her's was diagnosed with cancer. She told there are so many other things more important to be stressing about or worrying about or crying about then some test.

Although this test can potentially pave the path for my life and a career, I knew she was right. I calmed down, kept on studying, and kept on reminding myself to try my best. 

 I took the test this last Friday. It was hard. I wished I had more time to study and to be prepared. But I'm glad its over now, and if my scores weren't that great, I know that I can always take it over. 

So thank you to my family and friends who were supportive these past couple of months especially these last weeks and days. :) Now I'm excited to be back to my normal self without the stress of some test. Ready to hang out with my friends again and to get back to blogging. :)  

Life Lesson: Don't stress about the little things. Be grateful for what God has given you. And try the best at everything you do. 
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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Commencement {A Book Review}

Title : Commencement
Author: J. Courtney Sullivan
Publisher: Knopf
Release Date: June 16, 2009
Summary from GoodReads:

A sparkling debut novel: a tender story of friendship, a witty take on liberal arts colleges, and a fascinating portrait of the first generation of women who have all the opportunities in the world, but no clear idea about what to choose.

Assigned to the same dorm their first year at Smith College, Celia, Bree, Sally, and April couldn’t have less in common. Celia, a lapsed Catholic, arrives with her grandmother’s rosary beads in hand and a bottle of vodka in her suitcase; beautiful Bree pines for the fiancé she left behind in Savannah; Sally, pristinely dressed in Lilly Pulitzer, is reeling from the loss of her mother; and April, a radical, redheaded feminist wearing a “Riot: Don’t Diet” T-shirt, wants a room transfer immediately.

Together they experience the ecstatic highs and painful lows of early adulthood: Celia’s trust in men is demolished in one terrible evening, Bree falls in love with someone she could never bring home to her traditional family, Sally seeks solace in her English professor, and April realizes that, for the first time in her life, she has friends she can actually confide in.

When they reunite for Sally’s wedding four years after graduation, their friendships have changed, but they remain fiercely devoted to one another. Schooled in the ideals of feminism, they have to figure out how it applies to their real lives in matters of love, work, family, and sex. For Celia, Bree, and Sally, this means grappling with one-night stands, maiden names, and parental disapproval—along with occasional loneliness and heartbreak. But for April, whose activism has become her life’s work, it means something far more dangerous.

Written with radiant style and a wicked sense of humor, Commencementnot only captures the intensity of college friendships and first loves, but also explores with great candor the complicated and contradictory landscape facing young women today

“These fucking women really piss me off,' April said. 'Because instead of being elated by the thought of making their own happiness and chasing some crazy dream, all they want to do is narrow their options and do something safe.” 

“Every woman needs secrets,' her mother said with a smile then, her eyes meeting Sally's in the rearview mirror. 'Remember that when you're old like me, pumpkin, because the world has a way of making a woman's life everyone else's business--you have to dig out a little place that's only yours.” 

My Take:
I enjoy reading books that revolve around friendship. I'm the type of person who would do anything for her friends. My friends especially my college friends have seen me at my worst. And I am so grateful  that they came into my life when they did. Sometimes I wonder what our friendship would become once we get older, have our careers and get married, start a family. It is scary, to think we might not be that close. 

I love reading book about friendships, especially friendships later on in life, because it makes me realize although it is fiction, that friends will always be there. 

Commencement was one of those books. I immediately related to it, because the characters seemed to real. They are just starting their lives after graduating, each of them struggling with something different, something that as a "recent" grad am struggling to.  I also liked that author wrote the story in each of the characters perspective, making it that much more real. The women were witty and smart and crazy, sometimes for their own good, which made the story that much better. They dealt with all kinds of things in their life. 

Their friendship reminded me of the friendship that I have with my friends, and I guess what I want our friendship to look like. The four of them, Celia, Bree, Sally and April became the bestest of friends those first few months of college. They have shared tears, laughs, drunken nights, dreams, beliefs, disagreements, and secrets with each other. They practically know each other like as if they were sisters. 

I liked reading each of their chapters and catching a glimpse of what they were like individually and with each other. When their story takes a crazy turning point, I cried. The pod was breaking. But that sadness quickly turned into hurt and anger the very last chapter.  I just couldn't believe something like that would happen. 

It was fun, and witty, and crazy and smart. I enjoyed it, except for the last part. Please, don't be a curious monkey and skip to the last part.. hehe I promise you, you will love it even more if you read it from beginning to end.

Do you have a group of friends/family members/people that you can't imagine living without?
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Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Stastistical Probability of Love at First Sight {A Book Review}

Title : The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Publisher: Poppy/ Little Brown
Release Date: January 2, 2012
Summary from GoodReads:

Who would have guessed that four minutes could change everything?

Today should be one of the worst days of seventeen-year-old Hadley Sullivan's life. Having missed her flight, she's stuck at JFK airport and late to her father's second wedding, which is taking place in London and involves a soon-to-be stepmother Hadley's never even met. Then she meets the perfect boy in the airport's cramped waiting area. His name is Oliver, he's British, and he's sitting in her row.

A long night on the plane passes in the blink of an eye, and Hadley and Oliver lose track of each other in the airport chaos upon arrival. Can fate intervene to bring them together once more?

Quirks of timing play out in this romantic and cinematic novel about family connections, second chances, and first loves. Set over a twenty-four-hour-period, Hadley and Oliver's story will make you believe that true love finds you when you're least expecting it. 

“What are you really studying?"
He leans back to look at her. "The statistical probability of love at first sight."
"Very funny," she says. "What is it really?"
"I'm serious."
"I don't believe you."
He laughs, then lowers his mouth so that it's close to her ear. "People who meet in airports are seventy-two percent more likely too fall for each other than people who meet anywhere else.”

My Take:
I loved this book let me tell you why.

The characters seemed real and the story line was not to far-fetched. I really did see this happening in real life. Two strangers, each going through hard times in their life, met in an airport and fell in love in 8 hours. Okay okay, it might sound crazy and maybe creepy, but its not impossible. They really did fall in love at first sight.

Sometimes I hate to admit it, but I'm hopeless romantic, and this book appealed to that side of me. I think I feel in love the moment that Oliver offered to help Hadley watch her luggage. It's crazy to think that you can tell someone your whole story on the course of an airplane trip. And I thought it was cute that Oliver, knowing that Hadley was claustrophobic and had mini anxiety attacks distracted her. 

The relationship that Hadley and her father had broke my heart at times. She just felt this anger towards him for leaving them and now remarrying another woman. But at the end, I was so happy that they both came around. 

It also broke my heart when he found out why Oliver was flying back home, and when Hadley left the wedding to go find him was so heart warming. 

Its crazy how a few minutes or an action or a decision can change the course of life. If Hadley wouldn't have been four minutes late to her first flight, she wouldn't have missed it, and never would've met Oliver. Oliver would have never have helped her reconcile with her dad. 

4 out 5 ratings
Have you ever wondered how your life would've turned out if you weren't late/early, so if had gone to this place rather than that one?
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Literary Junkies {March}

Pink Heels Pink Truck

1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it!
I'm reading Serena, getting ready for the Twitter party, I'm not done with it yet, But I'm hoping to join in on the discussion. :) 

The year is 1929, and newlyweds George and Serena Pemberton travel from Boston to the North Carolina mountains where they plan to create a timber empire. Although George has already lived in the camp long enough to father an illegitimate child, Serena is new to the mountains—but she soon shows herself to be the equal of any man, overseeing crews, hunting rattle-snakes, even saving her husband's life in the wilderness. Together this lord and lady of the woodlands ruthlessly kill or vanquish all who fall out of favor. Yet when Serena learns that she will never bear a child, she sets out to murder the son George fathered without her. Mother and child begin a struggle for their lives, and when Serena suspects George is protecting his illegitimate family, the Pembertons' intense, passionate marriage starts to unravel as the story moves toward its shocking reckoning.

Rash's masterful balance of violence and beauty yields a riveting novel that, at its core, tells of love both honored and betrayed - from Goodreads

2. What was your favorite series to read when you were a kid?
I think I fell in love reading The Magic Tree House books when I was in like 2nd grade. I also loved all Ramona books, I couldn't wait to go to the library and check some out. Then as I got a little older I began reading The Babysitters Club. 

3. The world is ending: What 3 books do you save from your collection in hopes to contribute to whatever new society forms?
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald,  Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, and Shakespeare  

4. What is your favorite genre to read? Why?
I am open to every genre as long as it can transport me to the story. 

5. If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?
Remember to never forget. This question was hard.. I would choose this title because I never want to forget where I come from, the people in my life, the struggle and the achievement I've had, and the lesson what I've learned. 

6. What is next on your “to-read” list? Tell us about it!
This book has been on my TBR since it came out in August, and I was finally able to get my hands on it. 

You stop fearing the devil when you’re holding his hand…

Nothing much exciting rolls through Violet White’s sleepy, seaside town… until River West comes along. River rents the guest house behind Violet’s crumbling estate, and as eerie, grim things start to happen, Violet begins to wonder about the boy living in her backyard. 

Is River just a crooked-smiling liar with pretty eyes and a mysterious past? Or could he be something more?

Violet’s grandmother always warned her about the Devil, but she never said he could be a dark-haired boy who takes naps in the sun, who likes coffee, who kisses you in a cemetery... who makes you want to kiss back. 

Violet’s already so knee-deep in love, she can’t see straight. And that’s just how River likes it.

Blending faded decadence and the thrilling dread of gothic horror, April Genevieve Tucholke weaves a dreamy, twisting contemporary romance, as gorgeously told as it is terrifying—a debut to watch - from Goodreads

What are you currently reading?
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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Social

It's the end of the week already? Time is sure flying. Here is another edition of Sunday Social, I love this link-up there are always fun questions to answer.

1. How much time do you spend on Social Media a day?…be honest
eeeek.. I spend most of my time on Instagram maybe 3-4 hours throughout the day. The next social media I like to go on is Pinterest like 2 or 3 hours. I've limited my time on Facebook recently, so I just go on to check some updates. I just joined Twitter this week, and I'm still trying to figure out how it works, so I spend some time there "researching." 

2. How long were you reading blogs before you started a blog?
I was reading some blogs like 5 months before re-starting my blog. There are so many bloggers out there that gave me to inspiration and motivation to starting blogging again in the summer.  But I've been reading blogs for a couple of years, mostly book blogs to get book recommendations. 

3. What is your favorite kind of cupcake?
I'm simple. Vanilla is my fave. Red Velvet is yummy too. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to cupcakes, like I would like to .

4. Do you eat fast food? If so whats your favorite?
I feel like I haven't been eating as much fast food this last year. But I like Jack in the Box, and is Subway considered fast food, if so that's my go-to place to eat.

5. What is the most random thing someone would find in your purse?
I have mostly small cross-body bags, so there isn't much room to fit a lot of things in there.. Heheh.. but I did find a crochet hook that I thought I had lost in there once. haha

6. What is the weirdest TV show you watch?
I think the weirdest show I have ever watched was Hoarders. It's just so crazy how hoarding can take over your life in an instant. In every episode I feel so sad for them, but at the end of the show when it seems like they have their hoarding under control I feel like I can breathe for them.

How much time do you spend on Social Media? What are you answers to these questions?
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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Christmas Bliss {A Book Review}

Title : Christmas Bliss
Author: Mary Kay Andrews
Publisher: St. Martin Press
Release Date: October 15, 2013
Summary from GoodReads

From the New York Times bestselling author of Summer Rental comes a novella that celebrates love, the holidays, and antiques. Christmas is coming, but Savannah antique dealer Weezie Foley is doubly distracted both by her upcoming wedding to her longtime love, chef Daniel Stipanek and also by the fact that her best friend and maid-of-honor BeBe Loudermilk is due to give birth any day and is still adamantly refusing to marry her live-in-love Harry. Listeners have come to love these characters in Mary Kay Andrews' three previous Savannah novels: Savannah Blues, Savannah Breeze, and Blue Christmas. Christmas Bliss offers Andrews' legions of fans the best of many things: familiar characters, a new novella for Christmas, and a celebration of Mary Key Andrews' own favorite pastime-antiquing. Blue Christmas was a fan favorite, and now Christmas Bliss is sure to fly off store shelves and into the hands of Andrews fans in bestselling numbers

“Being in his arms made me feel safe and good, and finally, for the first time in my adult life, I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be." - Bebe
My Take:
Christmas time, I miss it so much that I decided to read a Christmas book in March. And I really liked it. 

This was my very first book I've read my Mary Kay Andrews, and I really liked it. I didn't know that there were three other books with the same characters, which of course I hadn't read. But despite not having read the other three books Savannah Blues, Savannah Breeze, and Blue Christmas, I wasn't lost with the storylines. I feel like you could totally read it without the other three, but I'm excited to add the previous ones to my TBR.

This book follows best friends Bebe and Weezie, on their most memorable life events. A pregnant Bebe has been having reservations on marriage to her baby's daddy, but she soon realizes that he is the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. She also discovers a huge secret from her past that can affect her baby if she doesn't settle it.

Weezie has found the love of her life and are having a Christmas wedding. But when her fiancee is away in New York at a fancy restaurant with a beautiful boss as a guest chef, she sets out on an adventure to see him and the city. And an aventure it is, she always gets mobbed by a taxi driver, her luggage gets lost, and her shoe gets washed away down the drain.

I think Bebe and Weezie's relationship is amazing. You could tell that they are the best of friends that tell each other anything and that are there for each other. I feel in love with their friendship. 

The book made me want to just head out to Savannah and become friends with them.  The characters  feel true and real, which makes reading their story even that more fun.  It was a great book, and now that i think about it, I would've been even more fun to read to Christmas time. :) 

What are you favorite Christmas books?
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Friday, March 14, 2014

Tiered Plate Stand {D.I.Y}

 Happy Friday everyone!! Hope everyone has a great weekend. 
Okay now to the D.I.Y, I saw this amazing Etsy Shop that sells beautiful Vintage Cake Stands made out of vintage tea cups and china plates. Head over to TeaTime Creations. Although I've been eyeing some of their cake stands I decided to make my own. It isn't as beautiful as theirs, but I love it. :) 

- Plates (I got mine at Target for like $2) Dollar and Thrift Store one work too.
- Candle Holder (got mine at Target too)
- Hot Glue Gun

This was super easy to make it probably take you like 5 minutes. First, let's start by making sure we have the center of the bottom plate by drawing a tiny "x" this is where the candlestick holder will be going. 

We will be gluing our top plate first, so turn the top plate over and apply the hot glue to the top of the candlestick holder and glue it to the plate. 

Next we will glue our bottom of the candlestick holder to the bottom plate, right over the little "x". And that is it!!!! SUPER EASY, RIGHT? You can add decorative ribbon, or marbles to the bottom of the candlestick holder, or just leave it. 

Now you have a pretty Plate Stand you can add as many tiers as you want. You can use it to serve yummy treats, like cupcakes, cakes. Or you can use it as a Jewelry Stand or like me a Nail Polish Stand

What are you up to this weekend? 
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Believe in Yourself {The Girl Between The Lines}

Ohhhh meeep.. This week is the last week of The Girl Between The Lines link-up. I had fun these past 14 weeks writing and getting to know other bloggers and digging deep within me. Hayley and Lauren have been amazing hosts, and I hope that sometime in the future, they bring it back. Please. 
Girl Between the Lines Link up

This week: Tell us a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.

One of the most important things that I've learned and wished I my younger self would've followed is to Believe in Yourself. When I was in high school I think I gave in to pressure at home and at school, that I began to doubt myself and what I was capable of doing. 

Of course, I didn't know how to bring it back and believe in myself so it carried over to college. I wasn't the best me back then, and I think it had to do with the fact that I wasn't doing things for me, but for my family and for my friends. 

Now that I'm out of school and back home, I'm still dealing with that doubtfulness. Is this the right path? Should I be doing something else? Am I truly happy? What is my next step? I should be doing more.

But I'm learning to believe in myself. Listening to what my gut is telling me. Following the dreams that I've made for myself, even if its completely different than what I'm doing now.  

Just like this quote says, if you believe in that  thing inside you, you will overcome any obstacle life puts ahead of you. You are your biggest fan, or at least you need to be. If you don't believe in yourself, then who will.  This what  I need to remember, whenever I feel like I'm failing
What is a lesson you wished you learned or followed earlier in life?
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Better Late... {The Blogmopolitan Quiz}

I don't know why this quiz has just been sitting here, without being posted!! But better Late than Never right?? I love reading Erin's blog and I missed her first Blogmopolitan quiz months ago, and I knew I had to fill this one out. So here it finally is The Blogmopolitan Quiz, Part II. Head over to Two Thirds Hazel to get it. :) 

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Pinterest Obsessed {Sunday Social}

I don't think I need to reiterate how much I love Pinterest. Thankfully I don't spend as many hours on it as I used to, but it still is my go-to place for creative inspiration.

This week's Social is all about my favorite Pins!!! :) 

//Favorite Outfit Pin//
I have a couple of style boards, and about 200 outfit pins. I just wish that everything on my virtual Pinterest closet was in my real closet.  I love to pair dresses and tights so I love this outfit.

//Favorite Food Pin//
I go to Pinterest to find most of the recipes that my mom asks me to try. My all time favorite has been the Three Cheese Chicken Alfredo. Here is the one that I tried. 

//Favorite Wedding Pin//
I just love looking at all the beautiful wedding pictures. 

//Favorite DIY/craft Pin//
My family calls me the D.I.Y queen. But I think my favorite has been the toilet paper roll art. I got inspired by this pin and made my own wall decor. 

//Favorite Quote Pin//
Too many to choose just one. There are so many amazing quotes.
Follow Adrianna Avila's board Words to live by on Pinterest.

//Random Pin//
For my fellow GOT Fans!!

Are you obsessed with Pinterest? What is your favorite random pin?
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Saturday, March 8, 2014

An Abundance of Katherines {A Book Review}

Title : An Abundance of Katherines
Author: John Green
Publisher: Penguin Books
Release Date: January 1st, 2006
 Summary from Goodreads:

When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton's type is girls named Katherine. And when it comes to girls named Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. Nineteen times, to be exact. On a road trip miles from home, this anagram-happy, washed-up child prodigy has ten thousand dollars in his pocket, a bloodthirsty feral hog on his trail, and an overweight, Judge Judy-loving best friend riding shotgun - but no Katherines. Colin is on a mission to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability, which he hopes will predict the future of any relationship, avenge Dumpees everywhere, and finally win him the girl.

“What matters to you defines your mattering.”  
My Take:
I liked the book. It was okay, and it was a pretty fast read. The book followed Colin after he got dumped for the 19 time by the eighteen girl named Katherine. Colin, a child prodigy had his first girlfriend at age 5 got dumped a few seconds later. This little girl was named Katherine, and the Katherines' kept on coming and with them the heartbreaks. After his latest Katherine he and his best friend set out on a road trip in search to get over his recent heartbreak. 

During their roadtrip, they come to a small town where they meet Lindsey and her mom, Hollis. While helping Hollis with a special project, Hassan, is best friend breaks out of his shell; while Colin sets out to prove his Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability, of how long the next relationship will last. 

This Theorem was too confusing for, although no real numbers were needed. But I did love the use of footnotes. I love reading footnotes, it gives us an extra push to read between the lines. And I think it worked for this book. The footnotes along with the whole book was written a quirky and weird way, but it worked beacuse the characters were quirky and weird. 

At the end and with the help of Lindsey, Colin learned that the future is unpredictable. Which I was like really, this big conclusion coming from a child prodigy. He gets his first Lindsey and she gets her second Colin. 

Again, I liked it. Its quirky and fun. It is my first John Green book ever, so I'm looking forward to reading his other novels.

4 out of 5 pendants

Have you ever dated more than one person with the same name?Have you read this book, what did you think?
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why I Blog {The Girl Between the Lines}

This Week: Why do you blog? Tell us what got you started, what keeps you going or where you want to go.

I think I've answered this a few times here on the blog. But everytime someone asks me about my blog I get excited. I started blogging back in college as a way to document what my daily life was like. But it was hard for me to keep up with the blog those first few years of blogging. I rarely posted, if at all. I went months without posting. So I give props to everyone out there who blogs!

I started blogging again this past summer, and I'm loving every second of it. My blog turned into a place to document my thoughts, my inspirations, my dreams, some of my struggles, and an inside to the things and people I love. 

I like to say that blogging has made me open up about myself.  I'm able to be myself on here without much judgement. Which takes me, to my next point. I love blogging because through it I've met so many amazing people, the blogging community is amazing. 

What I love the most are the comments that are left on my posts. They truly make me feel special, that someone took the time to read my blog and post a response to it. So I try my very best to comment on the blogs that I love the most.

Very few people in my family and circle of friends know that I have a blog. I think it might be the fear of being judged by them or about the posts that write or lack of them, but as the blogging community has welcomed me and encouraged me, I think I'm ready to put my blog out there more. I would love any help on how to do so.

At times its hard to think of something worthy of publishing, sometimes I really have to stretch to think of something, and sometimes I can't. I think, no I know I still have lots to improve on. But do know that I love writing and blogging and reading and thinking and dreaming and planning and that is why I continue to blog.

Girl Between the Lines Link up

What do you love most about blogging? How did you start your blog?
Ps. - I just joined Twitter. I would love to follow new people.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Weekend in San Diego

 This past weekend my girls and I took a trip to San Diego. The Gaslamp Quarter. We have realized that keeping in touch with each other despite all our busy lives is important. Since we all live in different parts of California, we also realized that we will make any excuse to see each other. 
Our annual trips started our Senior Year (2 years ago), the last semester that we would be together. We went to Cabo for Spring Break and it was fun. Last year we went to Vegas for Deb's birthday. And this year we went to San Diego for Brenda and Gina's birthday. 
Although this trip was only a 24 hour trip, it was a blast. My friend Brenda one of the birthday girls had everything planned. I think I might hire her to be my travel agent. hehe. 
The weather was not the best, it was overcast the whole weekend and it rained super hard. Brenda's car got there first, and they went to eat lunch while the second car arrived. Once we did, we went straight to the liquor store. And started off with some mimosas. excuse the lack of pictures we were having too much of a good time to take any. :/
At 6:30, the boys (Brenda's friends) stayed behind, and the girls went to dinner. At this very fancy steakhouse, with $50 plates.. eeekk. Must I remind you, we are I am on a budget, $50 plate was not on my budget. But we ended up staying, we only eat out like this once in a blue moon. I still choose a chicken plate for $25, that was delicious, juicy and stuffed with cheese. Best chicken I've tasted. :)
Deb, Brenda the Birthday Girl, and Steph
Gina the Birthday Girl, and me. 
After the deliciously expensive dinner and wine, we went back to our hotel room, literally next door to the restaurant and we started to get ready to go out. We pregamed to make sure we didn't spend too much money as we bar hopped. We took a taxi to the Gaslamp Quarter, the streets were lined up with bars and clubs lots of people on the street. The chilly/rainy weather didn't stop us or other people from going out. The streets were packed with people.
We started the night off dancing at the Tipsy Crow. Which reminded us too much off the parties we went to in college. We weren't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But we had fun.
After about 15 minutes of walking and my feet hurting, we finally made it to our second stop. McFadden's. It took me and my friend about 10 minutes to get a drink, so the service wasn't that great. But we got over it and started dancing. 
If you are taking a trip to San Diego, and would like to have a great time dancing I would  highly recommend the Gaslamp Quarter. In every street there are clubs and bar to visit. We paid a cover charge at Tipping Crow $5 and that was it. The drinks weren't to expensive. And over all, we all had a great time. I wish we could've explore the Quarter during the day, but we had like limited time. lol.. 
Have you ever been to the Gaslamp Quarter? What did you think?
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Monday, March 3, 2014

The place I call home.. Cali {Ten Favorite Things}

Is it Monday already? Take me back to San Diego please. :) 
But it's the first Monday of the Month which means it's time for Ten Favorite Things link up with Brianna

This month's topic is the place you call home. Whether it be the country, state, city or home you live in, make sure you go link up with Brianna. :) 

California. I'm picking the State of California, because although I grew up in SoCal my whole life, living in North California while in college was amazing. 

the weather, especially in SoCal. Sun pretty much year long. I love it!! 
And when it gets cold or starts sprinkling we freak out aka the 50 degree weather. WE LOVE OUR SUNNY DAYS

we have all types of environments. We have beaches. We have mountains (where it snows). We have deserts. We have beautiful green forests. We have farms. We have cities and suburbs.

diversity. I love it. I went to a high school where it was pretty diverse, there was different kinds of people. I got to learn about different cultures. 

sports. California has so many professional teams. 5 baseball teams, 4 basketball teams, 3 football teams,  3 hockey teams,  3 soccer teams plus the WNBA team. How awesome is that. I've been to 7 out of 14 stadiums. 

Although I love the sun. The rainy days especially in Northern California are amazing. Over there everything is so green.

Berkeley. My alma mater. My school. Where I graduated from. Some of the best years of my life. Top Public University in the nation. Yep.

I think going back to the diversity, we also get a huge range of delicious food. There are so many authentic diverse food. 

Cities!! I love L.A, shopped in S.F and partied in S.D. I'm a huge fanatic of cities, the tall buildings, the people, and I love the cities that I've been to here. 

History and Culture. In other words lots of touristy places to go. Missions, beaches, hikes, National Parks, Mountains, Golden Gate Bridge.

My family. I love that my family is here in California. I think if I were to live by myself somewhere else. I would totally be lost. hehe. 

What are your favorite things about the place you call home?
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