Friday, September 5, 2014

I am passionate about ..... {Blog-tember Challenge}

Brave Love Blog

Today's Prompt:
"I am passionate about ______________. "

: I like to think of myself as being a very passionate person. Everything I love to do, I do with a passion and enjoying every moment of it. Whether is reading books, or obsessing over lipsticks or just spending time with the people I love. So this list is a very similar list of the things that make me happy.

.... enjoying life
.... laughing until my tummy hurts
.... being inspired
.... and inspiring someone
.... sunny summer days
... the smell of rainy days
.... watching baseball
.... reading until the wee hours of the night
.... love
.... spending time with family
.... seeing my friends
.... working with children
.... being a helping hand to somebody
.... God
.... having justice in the world
.... feeling good about myself (I'm working on this one on a daily basis)
.... putting on lipsticks
.... creativity
.... dreaming and achieving those dreams
.... exploring new places
.... learning new things

 photo signature2.jpg

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