Monday, September 2, 2013

Why I started {re} blogging

My very first post on here was in August 2009. Wow. That's been 5 years since I have had a blog to call my own.
I remember starting this blog when I was a sophomore in college. Me and my then roommate thought it would be cool to start blogging and have a place  where we can write our thoughts. So we each started our own blog at the same time.

Although it was been 5 years, I have not posted a lot. For the first year of my blog I had only posted 4 posts!! That's embarrassing!. The follow years were the same, little content was posted. Pathetic!! And then I wonder why I don't have followers. Helllloo, Adri, I don't have any content for the readers and visitors to stick around for.

But now for some reason, I want to become a real blogger. This last month has been a little different. I have been writing on a more regular basis. I also write for a group blog, that me and my college decided to start as a way to keep in touch with each other. Although we each have a designated day and only write once a week at Fab5, that experience is helping me think and continue writing some posts.

I don't think this blog is anything special. It's just a space where I can jot down, blurt, or reminisce some of the thoughts that go through my head.

The main thing I want to get out from re-starting this blog is to meet a lot of new bloggers of all kind. There are a lot of incredible bloggers out there, that I wish I could follow on their blogging (and real, not in a stalkerish way) life for one day, to just see how fab they are.  I also want to make time in my not-so-busy life to wind down, and what better way to do it than to ramble or let out some of the things that happened to me or that I am thinking about.

I'm really excited!! To Re-Start! What better what to start on the right foot this week than with this awesome Link Party, where we get to visit lots of new blogs, and meet lots of different friends. Its called "The Collective" hosted by Peacoats and Plaids and other awesome co-hosts every week!! It's a way to hop away to different blogs to meet new people. So head over and find some new blog. For the awesome visitors thanks for stopping by.

Peacoats & Plaid

So please stick around and stay with me through this journey. I would so much appreciate it!!
Follow me on Bloglovin, Instagram. Also check the other blog, Fab5 Adventures!!

Do you have any advice on how I can Re-Start my blog with a bang? Why did you start blogging? I want to hear!! :)
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  1. You can read some posts about bloggers' blogging life if you'd like :). Christina at A Reader of Fictions had once had a discussion post about her typical blogging/work/reading day. Also, I'd say not to be too hard on yourself when it comes to not posting much earlier. It's hard managing a blog when you're in college. There are so many other things to focus on...

    welcome back to blogging! Hope you enjoy :).

  2. Thank you Christina!! I feel much better. Yeah it was really hard during school. But now that I'm out, and job hunting I hope I do get to blog a little more. :)

    I will definitely check out the other Christina's blog for some tips!! :)

  3. It's never too late to restart and I'm so glad you have disqus. Sometimes blogger users have such a ridiculous commenting system.

  4. Gonna follow you via bloglovin.

  5. I know.. I just recently changed it like two days ago!! :) I'm glad I did!!!! Hopefully I'll be able to communicate with more people through it.

    Thanks for following!!! :) **blogging hugs**


I would love to hear your thoughts!! :)